Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Nutella is good for progress right?

Sorry to leave you in suspense with my absence! I was busy being a lazy bones, eating spoonfuls of Nutella from the container, and hibernating for a week. Yes. I actually did that. That's typically what happens when your uterus hates you, and mine does. 

My PIC (partner in crime), Anissa, graced me with her presence and we ran 1.5 miles and did a burpee/squat work out that would make a grown man cry. Actually, it was intense for us because we are out of shape so it would have made your grandma cry. I'll take it! Sorry granny!

I am still not seeing a big change, not unless I put a side by side picture up. Changing my eating habits has helped in making me feel less sluggish, unless I'm having a period party and love affair with Nutella. I don't have a gym membership, I don't have a personal chef, I don't have a personal trainer, I'm not doing crossfit. I am doing this on my own. For me

I will post more befores and afters so that all yous 3 readers feel less defeated and more uplifted. Slow progress is still progress

Shout out to my not so baby cousin who is currently at basic and then moving on to school in the field of Explosive Ordnance Disposal. Land of the free because of the brave! 'MERICA!