Monday, July 8, 2013

Stuff Muffin

  Have you ever tried on an old bathing suit post batwings and melon belly and you realize what torment a sausage must go through while being stuffed in a casing? No? Maybe it's just me then, but that's how I felt when I put on one of my pre-baby suits. THE HORROR, THE AGONY, THE STUFF HANGING OVER STUFF HANGING OVER STUFF, stuff! 

  Now, I've always had pretty good self confidence because I don't believe a good body automatically shoots you up to the top rungs of society, but I am not comfortable in my skin these days. Excuse me as I sigh heavily while pinching my lonjas (love handles). This ain't no bakery! Don't nobody wanna see this muffin top!

  The good thing about someone's physical characteristics is that they can be altered. I've chosen to do this the hard way because nothing good every comes easy, also because I'm a poor bitch so, a nip, tuck, and lift is not a feasible option. I haven't even invested in a respectable pair of Spanx. Those are just lies on lies. I want to tighten and tone, not stuff and hide. 

  I've added a Jillian DVD to my workout repertoire, I luh that woman! I'll keep you updated with my progress (okay mom? okay husband?) and maybe someday soon I can comfortably slide into and out of an old pair of jeans without the jaws of life! Here's to working this ass off! 💪

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Shame Shame's Mah Middle Name

I am sorry I have failed you my faithful and loyal readers (HIII MOM! HI HUSBAND!!)! I definitely did not take time off from working out, well a week perhaps, but just like all self-fulfilling prophecies, I did in fact get sick otra vez!

This time I got put on a really strong ass antibiotic and it suuuuuuuuuccccccccccckkkkkkkkkked. I am, however, ready to get back at it.  Like all good things, the show must go on. 

I hadn't really noticed a big difference physically, I lost 2 lbs. but I try not to weigh myself often because scales are stupid and counter productive. Honestly, if you have one, throw it out. 

The only time I get weighed is when I'm at the doctor. I try to base my progress on how I feel and how my clothes fit me, not a number.

My biggest struggle right now is sticking to a healthy eating plan, so please send positive juju to me and help me dig deep to stay away from all things delicious and detrimental to my healthiest self. 

One of my brohams came over and asked if I had been running. I answered, yes, and he said that I looked a lot better, he could tell that I've lost some weight. I was allll "whatevs", but then proceeded to pull out my 10 lb. weights to show him how awesome I am at bicep curls. I'm a show off, you know. 

And here I'll leave you with this tid bit of inspiration. Don't talk about it, Be about it!